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I make my own sweet tea (which because of the color, I thought it may contain red dye in tea bags, so I never thought to use it.). Its still brown . Seriously Diarrhea Yes, but not out of the ordinary. Best advantage of Suprep is lack of cramping like I've had in the past with Fleet enema prep. Its so sad that that was one reason I put off having a colonoscopy. While the experience is not pleasant, I found it quite tolerable. Ive had many scopes. If I do, I know now what to do to get through.Read More Read Less, Worst colonoscopy prep ever. Some doctors instructions are not to refrigerate so it goes down easier. I am about to go in for my 9th colonoscopy since 2000 having found a small cancerous polyp and had it removed by colon resection back in 2002. The no-sedation option is definitely something Ill be doing in the future. You MUST drink two more 16 oz cups of water over the next hour. Needless to say it was completely painless. It took me about 35 minutes to drink all 16 oz's. They took me back right away after talking to the doctor, anesthesiologist, and assisting nurse. Thank you for sharing your tips! Im currently prepping for a colonoscopy two days from now. It began working in about an hour. LOL ! Prep day I only had a piece of dry toast in the morning and then went liquid. Way to go ahead and get this done! If you start to feel nauseous, take a break of around half an hour in between sips. I started pooping 45 minutes after I started drinking the prep solution. I have a question but first want to say thank you to everyone who posted their encouragement and tips. You owe it to yourself and your family. y does help. I am scheduled Tomorrow at 8 am. On the day prior to your colonoscopy, a strict clear liquid diet should be followed. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. For me, it wasnt so much the taste as it was just feeling too full to drink anymore of anything. Good luck, Peter! Its one day out of your life so bite the bullet, do the prep and it will over before you know it! liquid and a lemon flavored drink mix for glass two of the next 16 oz drink . One of the best things I did to make the prep taste better was to drink a Peppermint Tea, just a few sips before drinking the prep. My dog has been somewhat uncaring about this and insists that I need to be successful with the prep but, its becoming apparent to me that this isnt going to happen. For me apple juice and homemade chicken broth were my favorites. You should follow all the directions as prescribed by your provider. I know the prep is inconvenient, but it can save your life. I have also read studies that say miralax is more effective than suprep, but I have no experience and it was only one study. You can have chicken broth. We hope you had a clean and clear colonoscopy result. Followed with the two glasses of water over the next hour or so. I only wish I would have had some jello on hand even though I am no fan, because the all liquid day is tough! I had a gallon to drink (3/4 that night, 1/4 in the morning), with lemon flavoring. Male, 50 just got home from my first colonoscopy. Because of your brothers passing, you are right that you need a colonoscopy. We hope you receive clear results. It may be tempting to stop drinking all of the colonoscopy prep if your stools are running clear, but its important to complete all of the steps.Its not uncommon for the laxative to work right away and within the first few trips! Filling an empty body with good fuel feels like the right thing to do! Drank it exactly as instructed, mixed with cool water and sipped from a straw. Fill the container with water to the 16 ounce fill line, and drink the entire amount. Im finding it hard to plan what meals to prep. I also cut up a fresh lemon and cut it into 4 pieces. I always start mine earlier and was done by 10:00 to go to bed. Maybe my memory erased the previous times. The exact instructions depend on the bowel prep used and the time of your colonoscopy. I have an endoscopy/ colonoscopy combo scheduled in a couple weeks and am obsessing about the potential for problems and/or flares. I wasnt even hungry during the prep, until the scope was over. Some days I take Imodium as if they were Tic Tacs. So I decided to start my liquid diet three days early in hopes of there not being much in my colon to deal with during the prep. The Best Diets for Cognitive Fitness, is yours absolutely FREE when you sign up to receive Health Alerts from Harvard Medical School. But, it took me 2.5 hours to drink the first dose. I hope all goes well. Saturday night, as instructed, I took four more doses of Miralax, which did create some action (none from the prior 3 doses). This procedure is now the go-to for anything remotely wrong with your insides, AND for everyone over 45 (!!! Nearly nothing solid was expelled, just a rainbow of brown and yellow water. Any Moms out there compared to childbirth this is a walk in the park. Did your small bites ruin the test? I am doing a spit prep of the intense cherry-flavored-salty-chemical cocktail that I like to call S**tstorm. Your doctor may prescribe a different regimen if you have any of the following: Constipation. They would be best equipped to answer your question as to what to expect. Guess that means no colonoscopy for me. After 30 minutes, drink a third cup of water (16 ounces) by mouth, over 30 minutes. He has the nausea pills and he did take one. Am concerned, because they removed several polyps last time, and one was pre-cancerous and embedded in colon wall. Hi i had a bad experience ten years ago with no sedation with a colonespcopy. Repeating the same directions as dose 1, take another 12 Sutab tablets by mouth 5 to 8 hours before your colonoscopy. But hes in big pain and he has thrown up. The nurse acted like I was an idiot when I told her that I dont drink juice, soda or koolaid and I needed a better solution. Still take the second dose at 10pm. I just had my colonoscopy and it was seamless.I ate lightly 2 days going into the prep, lowered my calories.. It also made me very cold. Well if you get one use it it removes the color out of the Gatorade but it still has its taste!!! Their staff should have suggestions for what you can do to ensure success with your colonoscopy. My husband went for an emergency appendectomy which was supposed to be an outpatient procedure, and ended up staying 9 days in the hospital because they had to remove about 4 inches of his colon. I would bite into a piece after each drink and it took away any bad taste in my mouth from the prep drink. Something to remember for next time. 3 steps for a good colonoscopy prep. My arrival time is 10:30 am. I think this has something to do with my anal history. Im also worried about kidney damage, destroying my intestinal flora, secondary infections from a scope that cannot be properly disinfected, punctures to my colon and being so weak and sick afterwards that it takes weeks to recover. The 2nd time/no go (pun not intended); when I woke up the dr said he had just ordered another gallon and that he would try a 3rd time later in the afternoon. With my depends on placed a towel on the bed just in case and went to bed. I will request Suprep when I have my next Colonoscopy. I am 30 this is my second colonoscopy and endoscopy. Or try to do it all on Sunday and pray? After that I sat on the toilet for over an hour until 3:00 am, when I had to go lay down. Dont risk undetected cancer just because you are afraid. The rest I had to have done at hospital. Is the second bottle of Suprep mandatory? Such as the same with this one. Hey Val, there should be other prep options I would ask your GI clinic. Suprep does it's job but has extreme side affects! Everything was clear in the morning and the doctor said he could see a tiny polyp way up. Woke up at 6am. Breathe through your mouth if you have but dont let go of your nose. Thanks for the information. I don't know how anyone could just down it. I also cut up a fresh lemon and cut it into 4 pieces. They gave me some kind of amnesia drug. Once I turned on my side, the meds were added and I was out in seconds. It's been 4 days since my procedure, I'm eating normally but have to make a bowl movement about every 3 hours! Just do it. I feel like I am already as cleaned out as any one can be. For me, this prep was so much better than the Gatorade and Miralax Prep. I read about all these people who set up movies in the bathroom and were in there for hours. I didnt do everything they told me to do and all went swimmingly anyways. Any suggestions or thoughts? I was suppose to take my Suprep at 5:00pm then 10:00pm. Drink the mixture with a straw. It can be hard to call, but best to work alongside the professionals who can help understand whats happening. Should it have already been clear? Use Sprite, Ginger ale, or pulp-free lemonade to mix the solution. From then until about 3:0. Also if you get cold like I did use a heating pad for my stomach. On way to emergency room.???????? I had to take breaks and sip. Have a glass of water at the ready first of all. 1. of . The passing was easyno cramping, no burning (even though I have hemorrhoids), and I had fair warning of the need to go. ugh..I eat a 90% clean diet,organic, no chemicals, certainly no excess sugar. Thank you! They gave me the option of a no-sedation procedure and after a conversation, I decided to give it a go. Think about it folks: they can transplant HUMAN FACES hearts sew fingers back on your hand after amputation BUT THEY CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO EMPTY YOUR BOWELS without abject, pure misery pain, nausea, vomiting. Yes. There has GOT to be a better way. Second dose 10 hours later. Taste was like salt water. But you know you need this colonoscopy, so lets get started! If you're apprehensive about your next colonoscopy, you're probably dreading not the procedure itself, but the preparation for itand for good reason. Thank you so much for sharing your experience, Sarah. I am midst of trying to get the movie prep down. The lemonade made it possible to get it all drank without throwing it up. I have been on a clear liquid diet since 06/01/20 to help alleviate some of my pain. I have AFIB, so having the concerns regarding anesthesia removed will definitely help me feel more relaxed! It was easy to drink and worked fast. I knew if I wasnt clean they couldnt do the procedure so I didnt do 2nd dose and called to cancel. Its still a horrible (for me), but necessary procedure that I go through as much for my wife and kids as I do for myself. It taste nasty. I had a gastric bypass many years ago and my poor tummy isnt feeling too good right now I also had one polyp years ago so know how important it is. It really does help. Actually tasted really good, even with the Miralax in it. I took some pills (ducolax?) Theres no such thing as being too young. Pour one 6 oz. I started my low fiber diet 2 days before the recommended date That kaiser told me. The best half hour of sleep ever. I am looking forward to have all this behind me. But I got it down both times within about 20-25 minutes. Hydrated with a liter of water before taking suprep. People need to read the directions and prep correctly. Super thirsty but they said no liquid no nothing after the prep on colonoscopy day. (still staying calm about tomorrow!). Started prep at 5. I haVe nothing but liquids today and yesterday was light and for the previous week low fiber diet. While you are on a liquid diet you can add your prep to any of these treats. Great article. How to take it: Two 1-liter doses, each followed by clear liquids as directed. Now I have to get it done every 3 years. I am scheduled for an upper and lower GI scope on 06/19/20. One hour later, drink 2 cups of water. Please check back in with us. helping of the total 16 oz. The prep was not bad at all. Definitely glad I had a driver, was a little more groggy than I thought I would be. Bowel movements can happen pretty quickly after taking Suprep. This is why a colonoscopy is often referred to as a direct visualization test. YOU WILL NEED THE FOLLOWING: The prep for me was pretty awful Three days before the procedure I went to the low fiber diet with my last meal at 5pm that night. My father was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colorectal cancer 2 years ago. At first I thought the prep wasnt working and then it worked. I hope this helps someone. A previous failed prep. Lets just say that I couldnt wander far from the facilities and thanks for the advice of using wet wipes By 10:00 PM things had settled down, and by 11:00 PM, I was able to go to bed. No nausea either, or headache. Im so glad I got my colonoscopy (after much fear and trepidation!). ((Gentle hugs)). Read some, watched a movie, finished my prep, and occasionally had a squirt of water. Nausea, bloating, I end up with a few dry heaves. . I stocked up on low sodium chicken broth, jello, white grape juice, bottled water Gatorade etc Read More Read Less, I threw up the first dose of Suprep - it was that awful. I dont have stomach issues so I think I will be in the clear. The day before was a clear liquid diet only. I mixed with only water but drank and rinsed mouth with gatoraide between gulp one and two. We cannot give healthcare advice. Continue to feel better today and rest up. I write this now as I was searching for something somewhere to tell me that it wouldnt be the end of the world that I wasnt able to choke that last little bit down. Zip. Can barely type this. A few examples are listed below. Clearing stool from the intestines helps your doctor to better examine the intestines during your procedure. No stomach pain or cramping. it has been 12 years and I did the colorguard test which came back with positive results, of course this has me scared to death now. the one question I could find an answer to was: how long after taking a split dose of Colyte will I be able to sleep? Spit it out of course. No colonoscopy prep has ever caused me to stay up all night, lose all control, or have nausea. After I just downed 10 oz. I calmed myself down after talking to many people and a few doctors about possible causes for fecal occult, and went down the internet rabbit hole searching for bowel cleaning reviews, etc.