Keith Bennett Obituary 2021, Rick Stacy Southlake, Articles H

Dagger then introduces them to Suit, who is actually William T. Spears. [380], Ciel and Sebastian then take the four servants to London. [26] Nevertheless, he is genuinely concerned for the well-being of his loved ones. Ciel politely declines, and Elizabeth leaves disheartened. When Arthur proves the impossibility of just one person committing the string of murders, an uproar occurs between the guests. Ciel replies it is awkward to hear that when he is wearing a dress. [272], Ciel orders Sebastian to go after Rian. As Ciel steps in the blood, he tells Sebastian he behaved just like a beast. Ciel responds negatively to all of their reasons. As he explains everything to Sebastian in his study later, Sebastian claps lightly, stating Ciel's greed knows no bounds. In the process of the sacrifice, "Ciel" was stabbed in the chest and died. For instance, he once jumped in front of a bear to guard Elizabeth Midford,[27] and he also attempted to protect her from a horde of Bizarre Dolls. The next day, Clayton talks to Ciel about the cricket tournament. After Ciel does so, he tells him to enter the Canis Major door, saying that a meal is ready inside. Ciel struggles with dressing himself, peeling potatoes, getting food, and performing. [416] Finnian happily points out that she is speaking English now. They then discuss business and commence introductions. [81] Ciel then retreats to his study where he is grabbed by an unseen attacker. [429] Sitting up in bed, Ciel suddenly puts his foot on Sebastian's shoulderhe asks Sebastian if he was really trying to eat him just now. [72], Sebastian interrupts them and serves their evening meal. Sebastian tells Ciel that he can slip into the music hall without Nina's assistance, but Ciel insists that he accompanies her. Azzurro impulsively shoots at Ciel, but he soon discovers that Ciel is still alive. Ciel goes to the Sapphire Owl dormitory's library at night to meet Sebastian. Ao, a lord and one of the two main characters in one of Yana Toboso's old, discarded mangas, "Disguise," was the basis for Ciel. His aunt Angelina Dalles helped to deliver him and his twin. The entire group then arrives at Diedrich's castle. Ciel countered that he does not care who is cooking the dishes, but he expects the food to taste "first-class." [276] Undertaker also unexpectedly appears, and they all descend to the 1st Class Passenger Lounge. Several boys stand near Ciel as Ciel converse with Maurice. Regaining consciousness, with blood flowing out of his mouth, Sebastian agonizingly roarswith all his strength, he clasps Ciel's outstretched hand. He forbade Baldroy from adopting his battlefield method of burning everything to a cinder in the kitchen. He admits he even let his own aunt die for the same reason. He can play the violin passably, is a good actor, is compotent at fencing and has an education roughly equivalent to a modern tenth grader. He orders Sebastian to figure out his own way in. The dorm supervisor then introduces himself as Professor Michaelis. McMillan, one day, remarks on how amazing Ciel is. Ciel, initially surprised, comments that Fred is the kind of man who will "never make it up the ladder. Victoria says that it frightens her even though they may not be doing anything malicious. [145] They decide to wait until nighttime to investigate Soma and Agni, who seem to leave every night. Kelvin cries that it is painful and begs to be killed like how the other cultists were killed. [339], In Latin class, Sebastian leaves a note for Ciel to meet him later. Sebastian unexpectedly returns and teasingly asks Ciel what he's grinning about. [139] At his fencing time, Ciel challenges Soma to a duel; if he wins, Soma must remain quiet and stay out of Ciel's way. Sebastian then proceeds to help Edward with Herman's arm. Sebastian does, and then, starts destroying the dolls. He then flees to his room, where Ciel later enters to explain his situation and encourage Soma to be independent. Inside, Pitt takes a picture of them with the intention of selling it later for a hefty sum and leads them to the sewers, where he supplies them with necessities for their journey and agrees to send telegrams to Chlaus and Diedrich. Afterward, each person states his or her alibi, and Ciel fails to have one because he was in his bedroom alone. [106] In Ciel's bedroom, Sebastian informs him of his findings and tells him to make a decision. An additional connection between all the prostitutes is that they have all had had abortions at Angelina's hospital. Edward asks what it is that has enchanted her, and Ciel suggests that Blavat has brainwashed her, to which Edward admits is possible. Phantomhive ManorPhantomhive townhouse, LondonThe Campania (briefly)Weston College (former) Edward tugs on Ciel's sleeve and draws his attention to Blavat. She targets Undertaker, intent on apprehending him. And owner of the Funtom company. PhantomhiveThe British Royal FamilyFuntom CorporationFaustian contract Sebastian answers the phone, introducing himself as a member of the Phantomhive household, and announces that he will come for Ciel soon. While Sebastian prepares the carriage, Ciel muses on Elizabeths cryptic words. However, Sebastian uses his demonic powers and concludes that there are no souls left in the building. Both Ciel and Sebastian remark on Queen Victoria's "fearsome" powers of observation, and the former explains to Edward that the Queen has requested him to investigate the music hall. [515], Later, Ciel, along with Edward, is surprised when Sebastian returns with an unconscious Elizabeth. Sebastian informs him that Francis and Elizabeth Midford are visiting this afternoon, and Ciel gets anxious over this, ordering Sebastian to quickly make preparations. Therefore, it's time to choosehe points a gun at her head, asking her if she wants to live or get it over with right now. [508], As instructed by Sieglinde, Ciel undresses, and Sieglinde inspects his person and deduces that he is not poisoned. [60] He established Funtom Corporation in the same year,[61] fulfilling his childhood dream of opening a toy store in London. Ciel tells Sebastian they must hurry, but his leg is injured. They go up to the bedroom where she was sleeping, and Agni explains that he went to check up on her, but she was gone when he arrived. [253] She looks down at her plate and is surprised to see that the cake slice is missing. He learns that he had visited the actual locations of the deaths themselves and the only explanation local villagers could muster was that it was due to the "witch's curse". [526], Subsequently, Sebastian brings Ciel and the other guests to a river, where they are given lanterns. [199][200][201], Joker cries for his friends, but Ciel tells him that crying will not change a thing as the world is not kind to anyone. Earl Ciel Phantomhive (, Shieru Fantomuhaivu) is the current head of the Phantomhive house,[8] the notorious Queen's Watchdog,[9] the owner of the Funtom Corporation, and an Aristocrat of Evil. However, at Scarlet Fox's dormitory, the boys pelt Ciel with small stones, and he is forced to flee. A distraught Ciel, seeing Agni's corpse and the state Soma is in, says that he told Soma and Agni to stay out of his business. Ciel retorts evenly that there are some things that cannot return despite one's utmost efforts. The P4 arrive, and Edgar Redmond sees Ciel standing on the grass. [497], At Ciel's townhouse, Sebastian accommodates Ciel and Edward with tea, while details of the event that transpired at the music hall are relayed to him. Undertaker remarks that he knew Sebastian would protect the Earl no matter what. He and Sebastian ask a couple of residents for the location of a music hall under construction, and they point the way. [212], When a drunk Georg throws a drink at Irene Diaz, Ciel steps in and takes the blow. The Queen asks if Sieglinde can create more powerful things than mustard gas, a question to which Sieglinde responds the negative. that I suffered." In his inner world, Ciel meets his parents, Angelina Dalles, Doll and Joker. Interest piqued, she sent investigators to look into the event, but they, when questioned by Charles Grey and Charles Phipps, confessed that they have found nothing. When Ciel asks him where Blavat is, he says that Blavat has gone back to London, and then faints. Next, Elizabeth Midford arrives[236] and joyfully asks Ciel to join her and her family on April 17th for a three-week vacation on a luxury cruise liner, the Campania. Ciel tells him they need to find out why there is such a huge quantity on this ship. Plus, he also recovered the rigged ball that Lawrence used it the final play. [36] His greed has "no boundaries"; for instance, when he learned that a popular performer could double the sales of his new product, he immediately put up advertisements of her. The servants are determined to search outside, something Ciel cannot dissuade them from doing. [422] Ciel adds he does not want to suffer anymore. Sebastian deals with the poisonous snakes and heads off to do his show. Previous occupation Sebastian remarks that the ring is actually very important to Ciel and that he had only put on an ostentatious show of throwing it away for Elizabeth. They discover that Grelle is the murderer. In the forest, the household is trying to find Ciel. Suddenly, Ronald Knox bursts in and uses his death scythe to smash her head. Sebastian asks for Ciel's forgiveness. Tell me a bit about yourself.'' I'M ACTUALLY OVER HERE OFTEN AND STARES AT YOU THROUGH THE WINDOW o_o that's my hobby. [116], At Angelina Dalles's funeral, Ciel arrives late, carrying a red dress. He puts his hand over Ciel's, and when he uncovers it, the repaired ring is on Ciel's thumb. When Sebastian opens the entrance underneath the magic circle, Sieglinde is shocked. After the P4's tell their complete story, Lawrence turns to a speechless Ciel, asserting that he knows Ciel can understand what they did was right. [277], Suddenly, countless corpses burst into the room, and Druitt refuses to stop them until they all address him as "Caesar." Ciel says they should win for Red House as well. [257] Once they try this, however, they conclude that they corpses dont have any hearing, so they will not be able to divert their attention to escape. [250] After destroying the corpse, he asks Sebastian if he is the rumored "Sebas-chan"; Sebastian retorts that he has an aversion to that nickname. Just when Elizabeth is about to leave, Soma and Agni barge in his bedroom. He says that Joker and the others were desperately trying to protect something that did not even exist and they died for it. [448] The "dots" represent the location of every villager. Ciel is tired, and Sebastian suggests that they head home. [10][11] He is the son of Vincent and Rachel Phantomhiveand the younger identical twin brother of "Ciel Phantomhive". Othello reveals that the men there were all suffering from renal failure; the machines were used to replaced the men's thickened blood with fresh blood, and, as a result, their lifespans were considerably extended. Ciel then shoots him. [186] Ciel then runs away and hides. Sebastian does everything for Ciel: waking up him, dressing him in his clothes, . Ciel is discomposed. [123] Soon after, the Midfords arrive in the morning, instead of in the afternoon as planned, which Ciel expected. Sebastian then helps Ciel out of his robeshe apologizes for being rough, but he knew Ciel was being followed. The mark of Ciel's previous enslavement is located on the left side of his lower back. Ciel travels from store to store getting the things they want and need. Afterwards, Ciel is shocked when he discovers that Edgar is the Aleister Chamber's nephew. He is unable to stop it; his skin also starts changing color. Sebastian points out a flaw with his plan: as long as Blavat is present, they may be exposed. [247] Awkwardly, Ciel denies it, and the Viscount does not press the matter any further. They follow the trail of blood, and discover Agni at the door, with a multitude of knives in his back. [388] He proceeds to question Chlaus about Undertaker's disappearance and Chlaus responds that they never interfered with each other much and that the only person who knew Vincent before him was Diedrich. [316], In class, Ciel and McMillan are discussing how he got in when Clayton arrives and makes everyone line up. Sebastian has Ciel light everyone's lanterns, which the latter does via a candle. [190] Doctor states that Ciel has had an asthma attack due to a cold. [285] Undertaker laughs and says in addition to his own research, the dolls have the potential to be the best weaponsthat is why they are profitable.[286]. [480], The following day, at the outside of Buckingham Palace, a tensed and anxious Sieglinde is greeted by Charles Grey and Charles Phipps, who subsequently lead her, Wolfram, and Ciel into the palace, up the stairs, and down a hallway. In the club room, Ciel and Sebastian encounter one of the members and do the "Phoenix Pose." Comforting Sieglinde, Ciel declares that children are not "tools"; he can't believe a mother would ruin her child's feet just for a chemical formula. Earl Ciel Phantomhive is the business-savvy, twelve-year-old (later thirteen-year-old) head of the English Phantomhive noble family, taking over after the deaths of his parents, Lord Vincent and Lady Rachel Phantomhive. [307] While they are searching, they hear the sound of a loud explosion and rush into the hall, to find Baldroy and Mey-Rin looking completely disheveled. The cultists tried to stop him from talking, but Ciel and Sebastian forged their contract. Subsequently, Sebastian rescues Soma. Ciel and Sebastian then talk with Diedrich. After Sieglinde affirms that she is still resolved to develop a magic remedy to help people, Ciel orders her to give the Queen the process to make mustard gas, to Sieglinde's and Wolfram's surprise. When Ciel requests that she brings Sebastian with her the next time she returns to the music hall, she flatly refuses to, in fear that Sebastian's "outdated grab" will tarnish her reputation. [404] Ciel starts by showing her some toys; after some time playing, she falls asleep. Ciel concedes that he lost, since she killed the sixteenth animal, and she commends him for his bravery. The shopkeeper mistakes Sebastian as the owner of "Master's" cane, to Ciel's annoyance. Afterwards, a concerned Elizabeth asks a flustered Ciel if he is all right.[261]. [206][207] Later, Nina tells Ciel and Elizabeth that it is time for fitting. Ciel interrupts Wolfram before he could argue, saying that because he is Sieglinde's friend, he will not stop her if she chooses to move to some place obscure and live as a doctor with Wolfram. Gender Sebastian, however, stops her and apologizes for failing as a butler and putting her through so much trouble; he adds that he will handle the rest. [66], One night, intruders invaded Phantomhive Manor. [100] They enter the party in search for Aleister. [128][129], Ciel overhears Arthur Randall yelling to Fred Abberline that Ciel is a brat who stole the glory of catching Jack the Ripper. She herself did not notice this until others pointed it out to her. He instructs Sebastian to leave as soon as dawn breaks.[406]. Ciel asserts that she will need a lot of money for new knowledge, for even Wolfsschlucht operated on national-level amounts of money, and that Wolfram is too awkward to raise that kind of money, much to Wolfram's chagrin. Ciel and Sebastian, then, explain the treacherous workings of Sphere Music Hall, and their plan to steal the music hall's source of supply. He tells her to remove her dress because it is preventing her from moving easily through the water. [86] Sebastian appears behind Azzurro with the bullet he has shot and drops them into his pocket. Baldroy remarks that he had forgotten he hid some specially made eggs there, to which Sebastian is puzzled as to why he would do such a thing. [37], Although Ciel is, for the most part, wise beyond his years, he can be childish. [195] While leading them to Kelvin, Joker remarks that it must be hard for Ciel to embody so many responsibilities and titles, and Ciel tells him that Joker, a servant, must not speak to him with casualness. Sebastian apologizes for his carelessness and carries him to the manor where Sieglinde and Wolfram reside, to have him treated. Undertaker then parades "Ciel", whom he rescued from the fire at the cathedral and whom he refined through trial and error, as his finest creation. But instead, he grabs Ciel tie (which was crooked) and straightens it. He reveals that he has remodeled the basement to resemble the cult Ciel was victimized in three years prior. Edward eventually agrees to the job in hopes of rescuing Elizabeth Midford, but adds that he cannot do it alone. [256] He also deduces that they do not have any sign of feeling pain because they are not afraid of the snakes. Undertaker then announces that he will be taking his leave now; Ciel declares that he won't let him get away again. He breaks free from Soma and leaves; alone, he softly repeats the very words he told Soma. They declared that they wished to raise their king of corruption to a new level in power, and that "Ciel" and Ciel were lambs, pure and innocent souls, brought to fulfill that purpose by being defiled, as the devil supposedly desired unclean and tainted souls. Status Blavat retorts that he did not expect a nobleman like Ciel would resort to "such means," and remarks that Funtom Music Hall, even with its advanced facilities, cannot outshine Sphere Music Hall, the original. Grey and Ran-Mao then team up to take down Patrick's killer under Jeremy's guidance. "My Lord, I hardly require a payment for doing exactly what is expected of a Phantomhive butler." It was no secret that Sebastian gained no pleasure from consuming human food. She brandishes a knife, calls herself "the hunted," and states that there is only one path. wear with pride synonym; [538], Subsequently, Ciel and Sebastian enter the aforementioned music hall, and descend hidden stairs to reach the room where Blavat had taken blood from the men. [15] Around this time, his slave-traders also pierced his ears to attach a price tag. [343] Students from other dormitories also come to help. When Edward describes the song as the kind where one would start humming without realizing it, Sebastian sings and dances to a verse, baffling Ciel and Edward. Best Answer. Ciel demands that she returns it, and his fierceness makes her cry. Ciel tells Sebastian to get them to Kelvin's manor in an hour. Ciel tells him to redirect his pleas to Sebastian. [289], Sebastian tightly holds onto Ciel as they both fall to the floor. As Ciel starts, Sebastian holds onto his arm. The bell begins to ring, and the two hurry off to class. [368] When everyone is about to protest about Ciel's sudden change in behavior, Edward unexpectedly speaks upthey all should not interfere with Earl Phantomhive. Edward and Fred are unable to defend Ciel. Sebastian explains to Ciel that they have combined various Halloweens from around the world so that their tenants can have quality entertainment; said tenants thank Ciel. [297], Sebastian puts Ciel in a life preserver. Ciel cautions him to watch his stepthey are all done here as well. Sebastian then comments on the photo, noting that the hallmark on the man's signet ring is the same on Beast's prosthetic leg. The prince asks the others if they had a reason to fight, and when they fail to present one, he reprimands them-stating that provoking fights without a reason is childish. [172] After the investigators leave, Ciel reprimands Agni for his actions, as it could have gotten him into trouble as well. She knows that English-speaking fans call him "Our Ciel" which she thinks is cute. He commands Sebastian to stop a child from being killed, and Sebastian verifies that the children there were kidnapped by Kelvin. Sieglinde says that collecting blood from a large number of people, which is what the music hall is doing, makes sense for a vast amount of data is needed to improve the accuracy of blood transfusion, and remarks that involving civilians in the unethical research is "vicious. [237] Ciel immediately Sebastian's report about the hospital's illegal experiments. At one point, Sebastian reports to Ciel that they have drawn about twenty percent of Sphere's attendees to their music hall. While guarding Ciel and Elizabeth, Sebastian replies that it is merely a coincidence. Elizabeth then officially starts the competition. Ciel tells his butler that they have received a call from Italy from Chlaus, who would arrive at six o'clock that day. Both Ciel and Sebastian are surprised by her appearance. Finnian then recalls his past. Queen's WatchdogSmile (Noah's Ark Circus) Ciel Phantomhive gets tortured when he was younger because he was supposed to be sacrificed to a religion. Sebastian, however, points out that it is, truly, Sieglinde's choice whether or not she is used or uses others. Ciel is one of the characters whose character design was only slightly changed during the pre-production. Ciel notes wickedly it has an even greater impact on Herman. He thinks inwardly that "Ciel" is not here anymoreonly Earl Phantomhive exists. Unexpectedly, Aleister Chamber also appears before them. Ciel then points out the things that make Lau suspicious, but soon assures him that he knows fully well that Lau could not have killed all of the three victims even if he had teamed up with Sebastian. So that would be a good estimate since . He prefers sweet things above all. The night before Sieglinde Sullivan's expected audience with Queen Victoria, Sieglinde and Wolfram Gelzer talk with Ciel and Sebastian Michaelis in the Phantomhive Manor. However, Soma turns him down because he is busy with his search for Mina, much to Ciel's chagrin. Lau has Ciel, Sebastian, Baldroy, Finnian, Mey-Rin, and Snake wear hair ornaments before they, along with Ran-Mao, leave. He also had the components of the antidote analyzed. Lau calls them over; he has already knocked out the guard personnel by rendering them asleep with a special technique, much to Soma's and Ciel's surprise. Ciel reads the letter: the Queen tells him that she enjoyed the tea party with Sieglinde Sullivan the other day and asks him, for Charles Phipps's sake, which one of the cakes she sent home he likes most. After reading the letter, Ciel inspects the Sphere Music Hall invitation the Queen has provided for him, and he admits that he did not know such a music hall existed. Human However, Heinrich says this castle, Weizscker, is small compared to the other castles. davenport, fl crime rate P.O. Earl Ciel Phantomhive (, Shieru Fantomuhaivu) is the current head of the Phantomhive house, the notorious Queen's Watchdog, the owner of the Funtom Corporation, and an Aristocrat of Evil.